Sleepless Nights

Jibbles and I decided to stay up and play poker. He now owns all my socks and one of my guitars. My god, I'm becoming a cat person.
Workless Days
Shout out to Woodlane Rd and Vermont Ave, who's houses now all have a Mein King Sushi Wok menu, courtesy of Master Chief Menu Distributor Christopher Chong. Feel free to look up those streets on google maps to get a taste of what I do. Notice the length. And number of houses. So many... houses.
What made me get out of bed that morning however, was the prospect of maybe being able to drive delivery with my old man. Yes, driving in an air conditioned, comfortable seating equipped, Ipod playing, Nissan Versa. My, how glorious the thought seemed.
So I crawled out of the sheets, said bye bye to Jibster, and drove my mom and I to the restaurant. Getting there is always a little awkward. In my ever resourceful, cunning, asian persuasiveness, I ususally manage to evade work at the family business. My dad is extremely adamant on having me go, however. I used to argue that it's pointless, and that I should just get a local job, that would actually help to our financial situation by bringing in money from the outside, instead of sucking money away from our own business. Yet my father still insists (loudly usually) that I put on my walking shoes, and sweat it out in the Jackson heat. But like I said, getting there is awkward. My evasiveness keeps my visits to the restaurant very far between, and seeing the workers after so long I feel a little shame for my laziness. But that passes and soon I'm joking with them and a member of the gang (this is me, acknowledging the cornyness of the last part of that sentence).
Now about the day being workless. I spent the first 2 hours after I got in out distributing menus. After that Vic and I went back to the restaurant and I waited to be told what to do. I assumed that my dad would come out sooner or later and have me go on delivery runs, and let me drive, which is realitvely enjoyable. Instead, I sat on the chair out side.
For five hours.
I sat on a chair outside the restaurant, as my mind rotted with boredom. For five hours. Before I left my dad came outside to talk. I told him about fishing, and Dan and I's sucess at the golfcourse lake. He told me he wants to get a beagle to keep Jibbles company. It was nice. WE dont usually talk that much so conversation with him is always a plus. Before that though he offered to pay me 55. Yeah, thats right, I could have gottened paid for sitting on a chair, counting cars and wasting away. But instead I told him 1o would be good, and that felt good. Doing the right thing I guess.
New Macbook! (not really)
I got back my macbook from the apple store yesterday, and it looks like BRAND NEW! They replaced all the outside casing, as well as the keyboard and trackpad. There was a problem with the mainboard, and that got replaced too. But I was really surprised that they would even replace all the cosmetic stuff too. And all for free! Oh the joys of Mac.
Another shout out to Tyler Ahlf and Logan Perez, with whom i am currently oovooing with.
Too lazy to look up what random holiday it is today.
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