But now he does! Because if he doesn't he fails an English Assignment. So be happy. I'll be posting regularly again, assuming my laziness continues to outweighed by my desire to succeed. Lets hope that balance stays in favor of the non-living-in-a-box life.
An Update
Mannnnnnnn it has been awhile since I've sat down and punched out one of these. Its been 3 months since my last post. Needless to say, my increasingly interesting and exciting life has only gotten more interesting and exciting in between now and then. Thats false. School's been a drag, with the exceptional high points. There have been some exciting weekends though, and I think I will regale you all with some stories of weekends past.

There comes a time in one's life when the ordinary no longer suffices. A time when, bold, brash, and reckless decisions become common place, and later in life we look back and say "what the hell was I thinking?". This is a time we call adolescence. It's a time of crazy nights, adventure, excitement, and singing at the top of your lungs to the blasting music assaulting your ear drums.
Lets talk about blasting music. Specifically, blasting music in cars. Theres no feeling in the world like when you crank those windows down, and that volume dial up. Am I over-romanticising something simple? Yes. Why? I guess its who I am.
It's like you're being drawn together as your belted words fuse with the stereo's, and the voices of your friends. Theres this feeling of aliveness, and energy that just rushes through you when you scream out those tired old lyrics. I love it. And thats exactly what we were doing that night, crusing down 527, Blink182 making the windows shake, and screaming at the top of our lungs "And my friends say I should act my age, what's my age again, whats my age again?"
We were ecstatic, and why? We just pulled it off. No one thought it could be done. A scandal others had only joked about, and said "Oh haha, yeah that'd be crazy if we ever did that.", we did. We stole smokey the bear.
It was late on a Saturday night, when I got the call from Jason. He wanted to come pick me up and do something adventurous. How could I refuse? Fifteen minutes passed before I saw the black jeep commander pull into Tyler Alhf's driveway. Reluctantly, I got up, and left the warmth of the bonfire. I said goodbye to my development friends, and jumped in. We drove back to my house to meet with Dean and Dan.
Thats where it started. Let me fast forward you to the action.
"WE'VE GOT IT, WE'VE GOT IT GO GO GO GOOOO!" Was the last transmission I got from Dean before the call went dead. "NOW!" I screamed to Danny in the driver's seat. We peeled out of the wawa parking lot and raced over to where we had left Dean and Jason. The street was dark, and besides a the occasional pair of headlights, the road was lit by a single nearby street light. We spun a hard right into the alley, and a few seconds later, hands were banging on the trunk of Dean's landrover, and I heard voices screaming "OPEN! NOW! NOW! OPEN THE TRUNK!"
The back gate flew open and a 6 foot tall smokey the bear was thrown in behind me. Jason and Dean jumped in, and we sped off. Adrenaline pumping, and hearts racing. Screams erupted in the cabin as we cheered our accomplishment. None of us could believe it. Amidst the roar of excitement I looked back, just to make sure, that it really was a 6 foot smokey the bear sitting back there next to Jason.
It was a crazy night. We took smokey to rumson, and brought him into the party we crashed. Although well recieved at first. A few of the rumson kids found us out of place, and decided that we werent fitting company. We left shortly after a Dean went berserk on this one kid who flipped his hat off his head. I though for sure there'd be a brawl, and the first thought in my mind was what nice peice of furniture I could use as to defend myself.
We staggered home, weary with crazy thoughts of the whole scheme. I slept well.
So thats my weekend story. I'll all written out tonight, so thats it for now.
I'll be back tomorrow with more.
Music I'm listening to Right Now:
Film Noir - The Gaslight Anthem
On my new vinyl record player!